
Showing posts from November, 2010

You Are Within Shouting Distance

Dear You are so sweet, and adorable, your presence make me happy all the time, I wish u know, I cant last a moment without thinking of you, each of it passing by... was so painful and torturing, a second like a decade, a minute like a century, an hour like a millennium, Dear, without you around, my heart grows even fonder, I miss u so much... my head full of wonders, why? why don't you just put my mind at ease, reminiscing our precious time together, my tears falling down, like the cloud is milking dry, Dear, First time I saw u, you are like an angel, so beautiful so gorgeous, when we made it together, I have a thought it never last, so it does, That Day, you flew without a single a word, came across my mind, maybe I should tear your wings apart, to let you stay with me, but at the moment I did afraid, You'll be hurt, so I made the toughest decision. to let u fly soaring the brightest sky... Dear, these words... revealed a crucia