You Are Within Shouting Distance

You are so sweet,
and adorable,
your presence make me happy all the time,
I wish u know,
I cant last a moment without thinking of you,
each of it passing by...
was so painful and torturing,
a second like a decade,
a minute like a century,
an hour like a millennium,

without you around,
my heart grows even fonder,
I miss u so much...
my head full of wonders,
why don't you just put my mind at ease,
reminiscing our precious time together,
my tears falling down,
like the cloud is milking dry,

First time I saw u,
you are like an angel,
so beautiful so gorgeous,
when we made it together,
I have a thought it never last,
so it does,

That Day,
you flew without a single a word,
came across my mind,
maybe I should tear your wings apart,
to let you stay with me,
but at the moment I did afraid,
You'll be hurt,
so I made the toughest decision.
to let u fly soaring the brightest sky...

these words...
revealed a crucial message,
no matter how far you stood, 
how long it have been,
I just want to let you know,
you are in my deepest heart,


  1. apakah??(=_=")..jiwang berkarat..

  2. jiwang?..mna ada, jiwangnye...ini ayat korean drama la ni, stelah Dalih bhasa dan Dedit2kan..pling bnyak love story in havard..


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